Sunday, April 02, 2006


Why is it that straight men go plum crazy around big-breasted women? I mean, it's almost embarassing to watch as they pant, perspire and act just plain nutty. Toss in some blonde hair and that same straight man would push his mother in front of a bus to get a better look at those moving mammeries.

Furthermore, I just don't understand the straight man's fasination with strippers and strip clubs. I was once doing a shoot at Scores and I was shocked to see the straight men being reduced to blubbering idiots around all those mounds of flesh. Man after man gleefully pushed his children's college fund into the cleavages of the gyrating dancers.

I watched one man put at least $400 into the bra of a busty blonde with a face only a blind mother would love. I mean, for $400 he didn't even get to touch those tits.

Believe me, for that amount of money in a gay bar, you could touch a hell of a lot more than just the tits of the stripper.


riftgirl said...

Speaking as a top-heavy wonder, I can only say, ours is not to question but rather, to just sit back and enjoy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a new bra...

Anonymous said...

Power clits...........

Anonymous said...

What about men who like big boochas? (ie booty's) Gawd, mistermakeup----you know ME...I'd make a killing!!!