Saturday, July 22, 2006


Over the last few days, I’ve found myself defending Israel’s intense response to Lebanon’s Hezbollah. What most people don’t understand is that Israel is surrounded by enemies, and thus, can never show any weakness whatsoever. In other words, Israel can’t take any shit.

It’s quite simple – Lebanon played host to a terrorist organization whose sole purpose was to destroy Israel. I mean, if terrorists were gathered on the Canadian borders armed with missiles, what do you think America would do?

As liberal as I am, I despise Islamic Arabs. The other day U.S.A. Today ran a picture of a towel-headed Lebanonese woman cheering Hezbollah and the capture of two Israeli soldiers. Her eyes were glazed over in sick joy while she waved two guns in the air.

I’m sorry, but that about sums up Islamic Arab culture to me.

As a New Yorker, I witnessed first hand what these animals can do. And I will never forget the images on CNN showing footage of Arabic people dancing in the streets in celebration of 9/11.

I have been to Israel and have witnessed first hand that democracy works. Believe me, when I crossed over into Jordon, the change was immediate. In most Muslim based countries, the rich dictators rule in splendor while the people live in squalor. I don’t understand why the people don’t revolt – it’s not Israel that’s holding them down, but their own millionaire dictators. It is common knowledge former Palestinian leader Arafat died a billionaire while he left his people to starve and live in poverty. I mean, he kept his wife and child in a five star Parisian hotel with all the money he received through foreign aid.

Israel needs to do what it needs to do to ensure the safety of her people.


Anonymous said...

Lebannon did not do these crimes. Hezbollah did. Lebonnon and Beirut in particular was considered the Paris of the East before Israel reigned terror over it. Mister Makeup....before you spew your misguided and missinformed mouth, know what you are saying. Israel is killing many Leboneese that have nothing to do with Hezbollah. Isreal came into being and the Jews there kicked many of the Palestinians out of their homes! These are facts that the USA does not publicize as it is a Jew controlled nation. The Islam religion is a disaster. But Israeli's are pushy and greedy in general.....and thats part of the reason they are so unpopular in that region.


A litle antisemitic are we? Funny how you won't reveal your idenity?

As for your uneducated comments: who gives a shit if Lebonnon and Beirut were considered like Paris - if Paris was hosting terrorists I'd say burn the MotherF***er to the ground. And to say that the Lebannon people don't support Hezbollah - please, watch the news - Hezbollah holds elected seats in the government.

And for your misguided idea that the "greedy and pushy" jews threw the "poor Palestinians" out of their homes is rubbish. It was called a war, darling, and in a war their is a loser and a winner - and the Palestinians chose to fight with the losers - the five arab nations that attacked Israel. Losers don't get shit.

For the record, do you think we as Americans should give back the land to the Indians?

Claudia said...

I agree it's a mess over there, but lots of innocent civilians are dying... I mean yeah we got a nasty dictator out of Iraq but its unfortunate lots of innocent people were kileld to do it. And Lebanon is not at fault, just like every american shouldnt be blamed for our idiot of a president. In fact, Lebanon is home to a variety of religions as opposed to being controlled by mainly one like other Islamic states. Truth's a mess. My friends family who lives in Beirut had to evacuate. They happen to be non religious people who have now lost their home, and they had nothing to do with anything.


It is a mess over there, but innocent people should not vote Hezbollah into the government and then proclaim that the main goal is to destroy Israel - play with fire and you get burned.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what you are saying MM, the reason for the 5 day war WAS BECAUSE, Isreal was taking land and pushing their way into Gaza....The Leboneese people are phonetian NOT ARABS....and it is a sophisticated culture with less than 20 percent of the people supporting Hezbollah. Im sure you will agree that the radical right is crazy and would gladly kill abortion doctors if it was legal...They are a minority as is Hezbollah supporters. Your anti middle east comments are so obvious. You are racist and speak out of your ass. Go to Beirut and then tell me about what its like.....

Anonymous said...

How can you call someone ant-semetic when you hate Islamic Arabs? Isnt that a bit of the pot calling the kettle Black?


Well, I guess I do hate Islamic Arabs. Why? Well, let me count the ways - they blow up buildings, kill innocent people in suicide attacks, treat women like animals, burn gay people at the stake, allow their leaders to live like kings while the followers live in poverty, preach hate....should I go on?

Anonymous said...

god bless america!!

Anonymous said...

towel-headed lebanese woman?? how sensitive of you.

how do you feel about someone saying hook nosed israeli?


Honey, I hate Islamic towel-headed arabs - plain & simple.