The holidays are almost upon us; and with so much sorrow in the world - not to mention the comments on my blog - I thought I would gift my faithful readers with my THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY list.
1) Nicole Richie. I just love her – and I don’t think she is too thin.
2) Whole-wheat donuts from the Cupcake CafĂ© in Manhattan. Forget Sex and the City’s tired Magnolia, this is the cupcake emporium that started it all. And, honey, these things are good – and good for you!
3) Liposuction. If you have a few extra pesky pounds that won’t respond to exercise, get some lipo. I swear, it’s the best procedure – besides botox – in the world.
4) New underwear, socks and t-shirts. I replace the whole lot every few months. I mean, it just feels divine putting fresh undergarments on.
5) Lip liner. How did we ever live without it? Girls, boys, trannies, it just does a mouth good.
6) Hot men at the gym. OK, most are unattainable or straight, but I can look, fantasize and drool, right?
7) Nachos from Round the Clock. I know my friend Terri says the place is full of college brats, but the nachos are homemade and loaded with good cheese and guacamole.
8) Andy Warhol. Yes, he’s dead, but they have a ton of cute Warholesque items at Urban Outfitters. Sadly, I think Factory Girl is gonna be a big bomb.
yes your friend terri says the place is full of college brats especially the waitresses with those tank tops and hairy pits.
brats are tolerable.
hairy pits and nachos are NOT.
Just had my first magnolia cupcake and youre right, its just, eh/
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