Why does the media continue to give Ann "Cunt" Coulter a national platform to air her crazy and hateful views?
Quiet frankly, I don't know what I hate more, her tacky 80's black pumps and cocktail dresses (it's painfully obvious no fag will give her his queer eye) or her evil opinions.
Her recent attacks on John Edwards and his dying wife are just plain despicable.
She is definitely one person I'd love to slug in the face.
I hate her too..............She is just evil...You can tell she is very unhappy.....I mean she must have a cunt as dry as the sahara! She probably hasn't been fucked in years....Why else would she be so evil??? Tell me MM!
Maybe she's a drag queen.She looks like one.
Maybe for this reason: I don't follow politics, but whenever Ann Coulter speaks, I know about it because most everyone I know has something to say about it. The whole country is buzzing about her. Case in point: your blog.
She's like Paris Hilton. The Media created her stardom. Noone I know gives a fuck if she's in jail, house arrest, on Larry King. But to look at the newspapers and online blogs, you'd think she was the second coming of Christ.
I can't stand Ann Coulter. She's more like a machine than a human being, incapable of responding to any viewpoint other than her own with any sort of emotion other than hatred. It's also a shame that my favorite television journalist, Chris Matthews, gave Coulter a venue to spout her hate speech earlier this week on "Hardball."
Her agenda isn't political, it's financial. She's out to sell books, nothing more. The woman is also a genius when it comes to manipulating the media. Indeed, we're acknowledging her and that's exactly what she wants.
Unfortunately, hate speech has always been a part of this country's history, though thankfully it's diminished dramatically since the civil rights movment of the 1960s. But that doesn't mean there isn't a demographic of Americans that respond to this trash. In some ways, such rhetoric is very appealing to small-minded individuals too dumb to understand that they're being played.
I agree - I think Miss C is in it for the money - but I also think she is very evil. And like Bertha, I think a good hard fuck would do her a world of good. Mr. Hobart, are you up for it? LOL.
I wouldn't give her the pleasure, dear sir.
All I have to say is check out the Ann Coulter spoof on YouTUBE, put in, Ann coulter Nellie olsons....that is hysterical!
from what i read on charlie's blog, he'd do any girl that moved.
Well, she has to AT LEAST breathe oxygen...
Ann Coulter should be sent into an Iraq prison.....
She might finally get what she needs in that Iraqi prison - LOL.
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