Let me begin with this: Gay cruises are nothing like straight cruises.
I mean, for starters, the boat’s fun factor runs 24 hours a day; and there is no formal attire required, no pre-arranged seating and no cheesy entertainment – in fact, all of the entertainment is gay oriented from drag queens to gay comedians, to gay hypnotists to gay cabaret singers to gay Djs to gay icons (Belinda Carlisle) to gay movies on your cabin television.
Honey, it’s just one big gay extravaganza.
As one tiny filipino waitress told me in broken English over throbbing disco music at 4 am…”The gay cruise is the best cruise…no old people and you people drink and dance all night.”
The boat we sailed on was the Celebrity Constellation – the #1 rated boat in the industry. Yes, only the best for us queens.
The majority of my trendy downtown gay friends were aghast that I would spend a few weeks with 2000 mainstream homos, but I found it refreshing. I mean, being around 2000 normal queers was enlightening insomuch as it busted my lifestyle bubble that is Manhattan. In NYC, most gays are trim, tan and tattooed and think a relationship is something they share with their gym trainers. On the boat it was interesting to meet gays of all shapes and ages that have been in committed relationships for years and years.
But one thing kept nagging at me with certain couples that claimed to be monogamous. I mean, what happens sexually when one partner stays young and sexy while the other partner grows fat and ugly? It’s kind of like a George and Barbara Bush thing – and we all know he ain’t fucking grandma.
The trip continues tomorrow.
Sugar, who did you fuck? much pussy onboard? who was the entertainment? Liza? many drugs? how much you spend lady
Keep reading dear Bertha and all of your questions will be answered. Oh, only 23 women on board and NO children allowed. Honey, it was heaven.
Give it up already!!! Bertha and MM are the same damn person!
Glad to have you back, girls.
Thanks for the compliment - both Bertha and I are hotties living outside the norm. Unfortunately, we are not the same person.
Kids if MM and I were the same person.......we would be unstoppable......but in fact, Im a Vegas Bitch, and he is a NYC Queen....and so the story goes....
You know darn well George and Barbara have not mated since George Jr. was conceived.Well maybe since Jeb was conceived.I will give them that one.
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