The world is full of married men.
Let me explain:
A good friend - I'll call her Bess - told me over the weekend she is in love with a married man. Of course, she said, he is going to leave his wife.
As she told me of their steamy afternoon delights, I ordered another soy latte and bit my tongue.
Yes, I know better.
I've had experience - lots of experience - with married men. At first the passion is amazing and it all seems so refreshingly naughty - as if your dull life suddenly has a new sense of purpose. But then it gets messy. Feelings get involved, and eventually someone gets hurt. And yes, he never leaves his wife.
I didn't tell my friend any of this. Love is always on loan - never the nest egg we can depend on, so who was I to burst her heart shaped balloon.
I smiled and wished her well.
"Girrrrrl!!!" Hey, remember that club song: "Get Your Hands Off My Man" ? :)
I had Pinkberry for the first and last time yesterday. Tastes like sour shit. Oh, and two smalls w/ 2 toppings were $ 10.51. Who the fuck LIKES this trash?
Well, I had Pinkberry again. I think I should nip this fat ass habit in the bud and pick up with married men.
Many folks love Pinkberry - I hear it's very addictive.
Provided you're a good anorexic, and eat nothing else throughout the day - and if you have the coin, what's the problem?
problem: 1. no coin, 2. not a good anorexic
Then I suggest you stay far away from Pinkberry.
For use out of the loop....What is a pinkberry?
Pinkberry is a fancy LA yogurt recently transplanted to NYC - the yogurt is around $8 per cup and the lines to purchase it are 50 deep - and that's on a good day.
What people will stand in line for...
Is that yogurt pro bi-otic? ;) Sorry --- bad pun!
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