Of course, Bush and old daddy McCain championed the decision.
Obama did not.
I ask you: Why do people need to own guns? It's a 100% fact that countries (Denmark, Sweden) that have strict gun control laws have dramatically less crime.
America's gun obsession has lead to school killings, drive-by shootings, domestic violence, suicides and other assorted killings.
One loony man on CNN said: "Now I can protect my family." Protect your family from what? I mean, is this the wild west where disputes are settled on the streets?
I'm sorry, but guns have one purpose: to kill or injure human beings.
david, this country was built on"if I don't know you I am prepared to kill you", right or wrong, thats just the lay of the land. susan g
That may be true - but it doesn't make it right.
Ugh, I hate everything about guns. When they were trying to get me to work on the Winchester account, they kept telling me, "They make the bullets, not the guns." Like that old tired saying, "Guns don't kill; people do." More like, "Guns don't kill; people with guns do." Okay, done with my rant...
Society is a shoot first ask questions later but I have to disagree to a certain extent. If someone breaks into my home or my life is in danger just out for a evening walk I would like to be able to protect myself. I'm not saying I am going to run out and buy a gun, but I like having the option. Just my two cents.
Well, I hope when you are out for your walk you don't give your neighbor an odd look - LOL - he/she might shoot ya.
In my hood they might.I'll just get them with a knife and a gun....Get the reference? Vince
Hello tootie! How have you been?
Not Tootie guess again.
is this the postgirl? J. S.
What is postgirl? J.S.
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