I knew the night was going Obama's way when CNN announced Oprah was on her way to Grant Park in Chicago.
Let me explain:
I was too nervous to sit in my apartment, or to go to an election party, so like any good gay boy, I went to the gym. On a stationary bike at Crunch Fitness, I watched and listened as history unfolded. When CNN put Ohio in Obama's column, the gym crowd burst into applause. My eyes began to tear up and I knew at that moment Obama was going to win.
I chuckled when CNN cut to old daddy McCain's election headquarters in Ohio - old white people at banquet tables with grim expressions on their wrinkled faces. But you know, that about sums up the Republican party of 2008: old white folks with highballs at banquet tables.
As I walked back to my East Village apartment, the populace had taken to the streets with cheers and chants of Obama, Obama, Obama.
Yes, the times are a changing - and not a moment too soon.
But what about proposition 8!!!
My tits are floppin!
I am mad as hell about Prop. 8 but on the bright side - at least it was close - that is progress.
I am more upset about that cunt Michelle Bachmann and Norm Coleman winning in my homestate of Minnesota.
Oh honey we are pissed off about those two winning.I am not a big fan of Al Franken but it was time for Norm to go. Unfortunately I couldn't vote to get Michelle out she was not in my district.
I haven't been this proud of my country or my peoples in a long time time. I have such great hopes for this nation. Bravo to all,and thank you President Obama for giving us back hope. susang
Damn it! I was hoping you'd bury that story. Yes, it was embarrassing that my state reelected both Bachmann and Coleman. It was one of those unlikely situations where we won the war but lost the battle.
But the DFL didn't really put substantial challengers in those races, either.
Despite the Twin Cities' very progressive nature, some core conservative areas exist in the extended parts of the metro region.
You're being too nice when labeling Bachmann a cunt, oral reporter. She's more than that. She's what I'd call a "magnificent cunt."
Noticeably absent from your blog today is Baxter.....
Where is the poor guy? No sound out of the loser since the election. He must be licking his wounds some where in hell.
Calling Baxter come in Baxter.....
I know, where is my little Baxter? I guess he is afraid to come out and play.
Guess who!? How nice to be thought of so much, and by so many folks. I just got back to the computer. Sorry to keep you all waiting with eager anticipation for the return of one of the ONLY readers of this blog who actually has an IQ higher than the speed limit.
I'm happy that most here are happy with B. Hussain's election, because I'm afraid your happiness will be relatively short lived. I think America will soon be regretting it's selection in this election. The outrage over Obama's election could even be louder than the praise of his selection!
Remember some of the predictions I made here in earlier responces? Well, get ready: Here it comes.
2 years, tops. Minds will change.
Welcome back Baxter.
I remember when I first saw Obama at the 2004 Democratic Convention - I knew then I was looking at a future president of the USA - I just didn't think it would be this soon. Bravo America.
Learn your Koran. Obama'll amend the constitution so you're alotted time (5 times a day; required) to pray to Allah.
Baxter don't let us wondering where you were go to your head we just wanted to rub it in your face that Obama won.
Anonymous, I TOLD you B Hussain would win. The "A" is intentional. Watch out, folks.
Do I have to keep explaining this shit? Help a nigga out, OR.
Baxter - Does that mean I have to order my burka?
Well...girls do. Order up, Chickies.
My tits are floppin!
Bertha better get a bra, too.
Bertha certainly doesn't need a bra - those tits are high and mighty.
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