Tuesday, March 10, 2009


OMG - with all the money in the world is this the best Madonna can look?

Isn't it bad enough that old Madge is making a fool out of herself running around with a 21 year-old boy?  

The answer is no. 

Now she apparently is  going to a surgeon that needs glasses.  I remember just a few years ago Madonna was making fun of Cher's pioneering surgery efforts....well, Cher looks pretty good compared to Madge's corpse impersonation.  


Anonymous said...

you look just as freaky as them!

Anonymous said...

MM is a beauty!

Anonymous said...

OMG is right. Poor Madge she needs a new doctor. I can't believe she thinks she looks good. Anon@8:46 you are just a hater. I agree with Anon@11:32 MM is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

looks like she is sucking on a sour lemon. Whatever happened to the concept of growing old gracefully,with a side order of Restylane. susang

Anonymous said...

Why do u have so much surgery? people in glass houses..........