Okay, so the bigot can keep her Miss California crown.
I guess it's okay to pose nude so guys can jack off to your pictures, but it's not okay for gays to get married.
More hypocrisy from the stupid blonde that preaches her love of God and morals.
Jesus H, yer ig-nernt, Oral. I guess I have to point this out (again). The ONLY hypocrisy shown in this entire case was exhibited by Hilton. When the left cries, and whines about not being treated with respect, then goes and attempts to make a shambles out of some Conservative life by spreading lies about that particular Conservative, don't you SEE the hypocrisy???
Miss California was ASKED A QUESTION, AND SHE ANSWERED IT HONESTLY. She wasn't mean, or rude, or a "bitch" in her responce. She just answered a question. Hilton, the queer little fuck, displayed bigotry. NOT Miss California.
And about the nude photos of Miss California: They were taken without her permission while on a modeling shoot when she was 16 fuckin' years old! The photographer, who I'm positive is a liberal pervert, snapped them while she was changing swimsuits for the next shots. That guy should be brought up on charges for sexually exploiting a minor. If he'd be branded as a sexual predator, that'd be at least one less vote for the looney left.
Excuse me, I work in the photo business - those pics were NOT taken "while she was changing" - she is posing in the pictures like a sex kitten.
Again - a bitch hypocrite, like most Republicans.
I'm sorry, but I think she should be made to shake her tits for cash.......I mean, she already got em out.
I saw those pics as well and I agree with Oral. Those pics were not taken while she changed she posed for them.She is not fooling no one except for Donald Trump.
The ones where she was "posing" topless were doctored. End of discussion.
Baxter did you take the pics? Where you there when they were taken? How the hell do you know they were doctored? Just because she said so???? Pleeeease. Your as stupid as Donald Trump for believing that story. Now End of Discussion.
She's a stupid bitch that was lucky enough to be born pretty. And, yes, she knew damn well that her picture was being taken - she's looking right at the camera with her tits out.
Anonymous # whatever, you're a walking dildo. The girl was 16 fucking years old when they were taken! Use that lumpy mass between your shoulders!! These photos were DOCTORED. Otherwise, everybody involved would have been in jail.
We are NOT European citizens!
Goddamn, there's some dumb motherfuckers with internet access in this world!
You wouldn't get so upset Baxter if you could prove your point. But all we have heard from you is blah blah blah. Maybe you should look in mirror dick head.You still have not answered the questions from the previous entries. How do you know the pics were DOCTORED? BECAUSE SHE SAID SO?????????? Get a life you twisted tranny lover.
Shake those tits for cash.........
If the pics were "doctored" there would be a lawsuit.
If you're calling me a liar, then you're also calling Donald Trump stupid. No matter what your personal opinion is of Trump, you have to admit the man's pretty fuckin' inteligent.
And it's VERY likely a lawsuit is in the works. This girl was a minor when the photos were taken. She actually WAS photographed in the buff while she was changing outfits during the shoot, yet sans her consent. Without using big words on your feeble mentality, let me say that act was a crime.
The "illegal" pictures were superimposed over actual shots during her modeling to show her in the nude.
I can prove almost any point you would like me to, but you dense liberals fail to see the forest through the trees.
And learn something about the law, for Christ's sake!
Excuse me, the whore is topless and smiling directly into the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is she the same one that let the people at Miss America pay for her boobs? I thought I heard that somewhere.
Yes, the one and the same - how sad that Miss USA buys tits for it's contestants.
This is for the first anonymous after Bertha's last entry: There's no excuse for being stupid! Read MY last entry, and that'll answer why she's looking directly into the camera.
Jesus. You libs are slow.
She's smiling directly into the camera with her tits out.
Christ, do I have to say it again?
Teaching a liberal about truth is like a teaching a blind man architecture.
Baxter - why don't you respond to the question: why is the blonde bigot slut smiling wildly at the camera with her tits out? She obviously knew her picture was being taken.
Case closed.
Dipshit... I mean Anonymous, I DID respond to the question. Several times, in fact. I guess I do have to repeat myself for you mentally in-e-bri-ate-ed muth-er fuk-ers.
The nudie shots were taken by a preeesummmmed perverted liberal while she was changing outfits during a photo shoot, without Miss California's knowledge. Those pictures were THEN superimposed over ACTUAL shots of her modeling to make it look like the 16 year old girl was POSING FOR PLAYBOY.
Get it now, dipshit? I mean Anonymous?
I know a blind architect. His creations are supreme.
Yeah, I seen one of his creations. It looked like a Picasso painting come to life.
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