Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Well, it's now official: Adam Lambart has come out of the closet.  Bravo to him for being a role model to young queens everywhere.


Baxter said...

You know, I hate speaking ill of the deceased. But the death of George Tiller was a commendable act. God save his soul.


Are you trying to get a rise out of me?

Anonymous said...

ha ha - the twirp that won has no covers,

Anonymous said...

That has got to be one of the most shocking things I have heard in a long time. NOT !!!! Who the hell cares if he is a little homo? Not me.

Baxter said...

Not a rise, but a decent fuckin' article! Jeez.


George Tiller was doing what he thought was right - and it was LEGAL. The man who murdered Tiller also thought he was doing what was right - but it was ILLEGAL.

Charlie Hobart said...

Tiller's murder reminds me of a (satirical) bumper sticker I once saw:

"I show people that killing is wrong by killing people."

Baxter said...

Tiller was under investigation by the Kansas AG previous to the last election cycle. Of course, THAT AG was slandered, and subsequently lost the election and the new AG dropped the majority of the charges against Tiller, due in large part to the "generous donations" to his campaign from Tiller himself. Documents say he was supplying abortion services for almost any reason from "the mother's health was in dire risk", to "the mother wants to be ready for bikini season".

So it seems that Tiller wasn't exactly a law-abiding doctor, after all. As long as the patient had $5,000 to $6,000 dollars in cash at the ready they could have that little nuisance removed!

I am in no way extolling murder within a civilized society, and especially here in the United States. I would much prefer that Tiller be tried for crimes against humanity, and sent to prison for life. But Oral, be absolutly sure of your facts before you start throwing the "legal" excuse around. Especially where I might see it.

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy?