I'm still in Minneapolis - the land that style forgot.
Why is it every woman in Minnesota has a "bob" haircut? I mean, I haven't seen this haircut in Manhattan in 15 years. And if a Minnesota woman doesn't have a "bob", it's a short lesbian-style haircut with bad blonde highlights.
I pity the str8 men in Minneapolis.
Shame on you Mister Makeup,
I live in Minneapolis and I don't sport a bob. I have allot of str8 men in my life as lovers etc...I have visited NYC many times and it's not all glamourous like you want everyone to believe.I have seen some pretty tacky people in NYC.And no they weren't tourist.
Well I must agree with MM, with every year that passes, Minneapolis seems to fall deeper into the past...and I aint talkin cool retro!
B.S. on MN Bobs. Where do you hang out when you go there? Bowling alleys and the Mn Zoo? What the hell are you talking about?
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