Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Yesterday was Halloween and I have two costume questions for the Str8 community:

Why is it every str8 guy wants to put on a dress for Halloween?

Why does every woman want to put on fishnets and a leather skirt and play prostitute for the evening?

Inquiring gay minds want to know.


Nick said...

i wore a tshirt and jeans and went as 'that kid from the internet'.

Anonymous said...

mistermakeup, this is a deep philosophical question to be sure. I will never forget at my high school when the boys came in skirts to protest the school uniforms lack of a shorts-like alternative for boys. It was my first look at how sexy boys legs can be...but I digress, I think girls do it because we all like a little attention. We work out like mad at the gym and then are expected to cover up our hard work. So sad. Of course, I went as a corporate lawyer-pretty scary--even though 'someone' thought 'slutty lawyer' would have been cute. (*cough* that kid above *cough*)