I tuned into Lifetime Television – the channel for women and gay men – just in time to see the finale of that dreadful Diana Ross/Brandy TV movie Double Platinum. As I sat watching the credits, it reminded me of a fabulous story about the making of the movie and the ego that is La Ross.
My friend was hired to do Diana’s makeup for the film. On the first day, Diana instructed her to bring plenty of reading material, because “Miss Ross” – yes, she talks about herself in third person - always does her own makeup. Because of the film union, a makeup artist had to be hired, so my friend collected $2000 a week to lounge around reading magazines - and observing the diva’s behavior.
Of course, my friend had numerous la Ross stories, but the best is as follows:
In one of the final scenes, Diana performs a concert with a full band and backup singers. Days went into the setup of the scene, and as can be expected, the singers and band were excited to be filmed with Miss Ross.
After a few takes, Diana asked to see the playback.
“Could we pull in a little bit,” she meowed. “You know, see more of me.”
The next take it was just Miss Ross and the backup singers. Diana cocked her head to see the monitor….”This isn’t working. Could we pull in a little more?”
To make a long story short, in the final take that Diana approved, it was just La Ross in tight close-up – the band and backup singers were sent home.
Yes, the stories about Miss Ross are true.
THE BOSS...MISS ROSS and don't you forget it.
though people didn't appreciate Patti Smith, i'm glad they're OK with diana ross!
to me, Diana Ross is an eccentric wack job who's time has passed. her ego makes the caricature even funnier.
clearly she is very insecure, and I personally love it when's she's arrested for DUI or throwing a fit at the airport.
quite unbelievable to me. her behavior completely obliterates her talent.
she competes with britney spears for most brain damage.
For anyone who wants to read the ultimate Diana Ross book, go to Amazon and buy the book by Tony Turner. A fasinating read about the ego that is Diana.
Flo knows honey....Flo knows
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