I forgot how cool Patti Smith was.
Patti was inducted into The Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame this past weekend along with The Ronettes and REM. Such lame winners like Str8 boy arena band Van Halen dampened the awards, but that’s beside the point.
I got to know Patti briefly about 10 years ago. She was a good friend of beat poet Allen Ginsburg, who lived in my building. Because of my non-traditional work schedule, I would often see her huffing and puffing up the stairs to Allen’s apartment.
She said she admired my style – that I wasn’t trying to look like the typical faggot. I took that as a compliment; and I never took her use of the term “faggot” as in insult, but rather as a bonding gesture from one freak to another.
When Patti accepted her award, she was soft spoken and humble - very much like the girl I knew from my hallway. But when she took the stage and growled out her classic “Rock and Roll Nigger”, I, as well as the rest of the world, was reminded how amazing Patti is. And before anyone gets his or her panties in a bunch, Patti’s use of the N word has nothing to do with racism – she’s commenting on anyone living on the outskirts of society.
For newbie’s to Patti, check out her classic albums Easter and Horses.
"much like the girl I knew"
um, you passed her in the hallway, one time she spoke a sentence to you, so now you are name dropping her?
Well, if you want me to toot my own horn, I will.
Patti and I had numerous conversations in the said hallway as well as her inviting me to several performances as her guest.
Can I name drop now?
excuse me, but patti smith is no panic at the disco
Patti Smith was an original - Panic at the Disco have admitted in Rolling Stone magazine that they stole elements of Kiss and other glam bands to premanufacture themselves into a sellable MTV band.
Sorry, no comparison.
dude you are a dinosaur
Yes, a T rex!
well, Pattie Smith is no Carrie Underwood, that's for sure.
mistermakeup let's hear about your views on politics
let's look forward
You must not be from Minnesota.
Honey you tell them, I got back from a wild orgie, first and last in my life...ill blog it this weekend
Oh, child, I can't wait to hear about it. I've never been to an orgy - or does a backroom count?
How can anyone compare Patti Smith to Carrie Underwood?????? And if you listen to Carrie Underwood you don't belong on MM's blog you need to find a 14 year old girls blog.
Patti Smith is a nobody...None of my friends have ever heard her name.
okay you gaybos, how about htis:
patti smith is no scissor sisters
happy now you ol queers?
I do love the Scissor Sisters, but I doubt they will ever be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Sisters are clever pop regurgitators, but far from the innovators like Patti Smith.
oh snap gaybos, is pattu smith a homo?
I don't know STR8 bo, why don't you call her up and offer to fuck her.
i never thought i'd see people think it was uncool to like patti smith!
she has a handsome looking book of poetry out called auguries of innocence. you might like it....
You seem like a real strange freak in need of rehab!
At least I have balls - pussy anonymous blogger.
People who think Patti Smith is Jesus Christ have clearly forgotten to take their senility pills.
You don't get the younger generation, cause y'all are Stonehenge old.
O-l-d!!!!!! Get over it!!! We don't know Patti Smith and we don't care!!!!!
It's a family affair!!! Jessica Simpson in rollerskates, talk to us about that!
Oh honey, age has nothing to do with it. I mean, to even mention Patti Smith and Jessica Simpson in the same breath shows your total lack of taste and style.
You disgust me - go back to the mall.
MM Your last comment PRICELESS Love Julie
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