I took a road trip to visit a friend in Milwaukee this past weekend - and the home of Laverne and Shirley has changed a lot since my last visit - and for the better. Sure there are still tons of blue collar guys with big bellies and scary ghetto folks, but the east side has cleaned itself up rather nicely and is lined with fun restaurants and coffee shops. In fact, I like Milwaulkee more than Minneapolis.
But let's not forget we are in the Midwest.
As the picture above proves, there is still a long way to go - these are some scary beeetches.
These are all boys dressed as girls? Are these drag queens or what?
My head just exploded.
Let's hope these "girls" are boys - cause these are some scary beeetches.
Now you like Milwaukee more than Minneapolis? Get your ass back to nyc where you belong, culture deprivation is making you insane.
Honey, I think you are right. I'll be back in my beloved east village Friday.
i love the ad, looks like fashion week in NY,or is it freak week ?glad your back. susan g
That ad looks like Fashion Week in NY?! Those are fighting words, bitch!!
Maybe it looks more like Fashion Week at Bertha's casino in Vegas, but you better not slough off NYC.
obviously your not a lifelong resident, otherwise you would have known, that when fashion week is in town its akin to having the circus here. take your anger out on someone else who doesnt live in midtown.s.g.
I guess my blog is the new View - who needs Whoopie!! Girls, play nicely. And Bertha - where are you? We miss you. Susan, what is the name of your Bayfield restaurant??? My friends travel through Bayfield monthly.
david, the resturants is Patsys bar and grill,located in beautiful downtown washburn, ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside.i will be going up for apple fest..oct3rd, for 2 weeks. tell your friend to ask for me!
s.g. is cow of the week.
midtown moo!!!!!!!!!
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