I don't get this Amy Winehouse?
I mean, everyone is championing her talents as if she were the next Joni Mitchell.
I say, oh please.
All this girl is doing is mimiking 1960's Motown soul and mixing it up with a dash of Dusty Springfield. I mean, she even copies Dusty's trademark Cleopatra makeup and beehive hairstyle.
Can't the kids today come up with anything original?
It has to be that in the time of Britney, Xtina, Hillary Duff, Avril, hell even Brooke Hogan, this young woman sets herself apart from the manufactured contrived (bottle) blondes.
I think she is more interesting than any of the blondes, but her self destructive impulses put me off. I wish her talent would trump her demons.
If you think she's a freak what about the real freak of them all Phil Spector.Have you seen this goof ball lately? How many wigs does he have? He must be keeping the Gabor wig factory in business.
Sorry MM this has nothing to do with Amy Winehouse.
Yes, that phil spector is a real nut job - I wonder if he will get off?
if you think he's a freak what about that STUPID NIGGER OJ?
Sounds to me like he has a pattern of abusing woman.All the woman testified he held guns on them.I think he did it.But the jury has been out a long time 2 weeks and counting.It wouldn't suprise me if he got off.Even his own sons said he's a psyco.Ronnie Spector wrote in her book long before this ever happened how he treated her. He kept her locked up and away from her family and friends.
Now, now kids- no racial slurs unless we are provoked - LOL.
Looks like gays have short attention spans.
Everyone talking bout everthing but amy winehouse. You know she's jew?
Do Jewish addicts use kosher hypodermic needles Mister Makeup?
I am not a Jewish expert - even though I dated an Israeli for years - but as odd as it sounds, a European/American Jew is far different than an Israeli Jew.
getting back to amy winehouse, she's just a poor man's "LuLu", and obviously void of originality. susan g
I can assure you we are nowhere near retirement age - although sometimes I wish I was.
Lulu was a pop star in the 1960s, and Susan G. referenced her in response to my post on copycat Amy Winehouse channeling fellow 1960's pop star Dusty Springfield.
Now play nice.
MM who is the anonymous blogger at 11:08 and why don't they like Susan? Maybe they should use that new tool called google to find out who LULU is.Go away if you can't play nice on MM's blog anonymous@11:08.
oh no don't tell me it's gonna get all rainbows and my little ponies and sugar gum drops in here
anon 1108,so tired of a closed minded bigot and semite hiding behind the
anonimity that the internet affords!
heres the deal..I have trained in martial arts for over a decade and hold a third degree blackbelt in one of the more lethal forms of karate,also have been one of MM's models and have appeared on national networks many times over, so name a time and place and i will meet you face to face and we will discuss your mindless and imbecilic attacks. susan g
You tell 'em Susan.
I love her! She is cool and original...Wild and Wacky. I get her, and I know why everyone else does too! She was tearing up the slots in Vegas a few weeks ago. I would have thought you would love her MM
I don't know you Susan G but you go feisty girl.I want a ticket to that meeting. If Anon @11:08 would show their hateful ass. Jules
Black Belt say MOOoooOOOO0000OOO.
Hey Bertha - No MM does not like Miss Winehouse - nothing original about her singing, makeup, hair or tattoos. Granted, she is a breath of air from all the polished pop stars, but that air isn't so fresh - it's all been done before - and better.
Anon @11:08 why don't you tell us who you are? Since it seems you like barn yard animals can you say chicken? Jules
MM doesn't like Amy? That surprises me, but I bet it's because Amy's BMI is lower.
Crack is supposedly a great diet aid, MM why don't you stop hatin and start dopping weight and teeth.
MM doesn't need drugs to stay bone thin - us anorexics are tough as nails. I don't hate Amy Winehouse - some of her little ditty's are quite good, I just think her look and sound are nothing original.
I think the tune "Valerie" is quite infectious. In a good way, that is.
I'm sorry.. to the anon. user who said she sets herself apart from Brit, Hillary, and all the rest..
She's no different.
1. Super thin
2. Excessive drug abuse
3. Fake "persona"...
I could go on and on..
She's attempting to channel some of the great songstresses.. Dusty, Aretha, Nina Hagen, etc..
And while I think she's doing a decent job, she's not doing the "AMAZING" job she's getting credit for.
I mean, please.. even the Herald is going on about how her "talent is undisputed".. that's a load of bull.
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