I never liked Rudy Giuliani as mayor of New York City - and I despise his gold digging wife.
I mean, he was a big bully who did horrific things to common citizens who tried to stand up to him - the New York Times last week printed an amazing article about his mean-spirited tactics as mayor. And can we talk about Bernie Kerik?
911? Yeah, he did a good job - but I think any mayor or elected official would have done equally as well.
I say good riddance.
PS - Let's see how long his wife stays with him now that he hasn't got a shot in hell to be president.
Didn't he clean up the city? It was kind of a toilet before. No one wanted to visit there because of all the crime and crap.I'm glad he's gone also he didn't have a shot in hell to become president.Just my opinion.
Love You MM....
Clean up the city? That was his biggest mistake. He turned Manhattan into Disney Land. I mean, he cleaned it up so much that all the hillbillies came a calling. I think he ruined the culture and cool that was Manhattan.
To pay or not toupee....was that the question? ;)
Rudy didn't bring the Connecticut Cunts to NYC. He made the city inhabitable. I love him. Tres pleased he won't be president, but I love him. I will never forget what a strong presence he was in the city after 9/11.
Please explain the horrible things he did to these people for us that don't know.
Don't pretend to be a native, MM. We all know where you came from. Your beginnings are not exactly the cultural capital of the world. Maybe New Yorkers thought much the same of you when you showed up, "hillbilly from the midwest". We all THINK we are cosmopolitan.
I never pretended to be a native New Yorker - and I am from Minneapolis, which isn't exactly a hillbilly or uncultured town. I mean, when I grew up in Minneapolis, it was fabulous - Prince and the music and art scene were thriving - now the city is a dust bowl of suburban sprawl with very little going on.
And quite frankly, I was always way too fabulous for the Midwest.
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