Oh boo-hoo.
I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would shed a single tear for some rich brat that overdoses...I mean, come on, he was lounging around in bed at 3 pm waiting for a massage - damn, I should have it so lucky. Here is someone who had been given all of life's charms, and he chose to flush them down the drain. Although, I do find the Mary kate Olsen connection interesting.
I don't feel any pity for him whatsoever.
28...was it 28?...is such a young age for one to take their life, or for life to be taken from one; whatever the case may be.
Along with life's charms, some are often also accompanied by life's curses.
For me, the World Economic Forum reports have been, as of late, a distraction from the World of Celebriculture. Well....except for that I presently hold a fierce anticipation in hearing this forthcoming Grace Jones album which I keep hearing about.
Good luck on your lovehunt this weekend, Mister Makeup. Amado Mio.
I don't feel sorry for him either.I don't even see why they have spent so much time covering his death.He's just another celebrity with the to much to soon syndrome.I don't even think he was that talented.The only movie I have seen with him in it was Monsters Ball.And in that he was only ok.I did read that Mary-Kate and Heath had a partying relationship and had been screwing casually for a few months before his death.CNN spent the whole night he died covering his death.You can't tell me they have nothing else to report.
I only feel pity for his family, daughter and former gf Michelle Williams having to deal with press and no privacy at his unexpected death. I am sorry he passed on. And I am not the least bit interested in hearing people discuss it on the evening news. Same for Britney. It's not important to me if she missed her deposition. If she showed up on the arm of the photog. Who cares.....
I'm trying not to feel so heartless. I guess it's the very same celebrity over-saturation that we're used to that kinda makes these people, in the end, to seem less than human - as opposed to the press claim that they were something more. Thus, upon their death, it's akin to simply having a character killed off on a soap; pretty soon, you know they'll be replaced by a new actor, anyway.
Still, that said, the first thing that came to mind when I found out was, "Oh man. This is really going to put a damper on the new Batman movie..."
Wow, you must hang out with John Gibson and the Westboro Baptist Church. This is one of the most disgusting posts I've read and it brings tears to my eyes that someone could be so cold and callous.
It was clearly stated in an official statement that Heath took PRESCRIBED amounts of drugs OR LESS. It was the combination that did the damage (on top of ill-health at the time that compromised his immune system). I'm sick of people suggesting or implying that Heath did something wrong. He simply didn't - his death was caused by unfortunate circumstances. I wished people could accept once and for all that Heath was NOT AT FAULT. He shouldn't be treated as if he was some sort of a junkie. It was clearly stated in reports and articles that no traces of any illegal drugs were found in his system (which would have showed up even weeks after taking any). I wished people would stop trying to ruin the reputation of someone who was such an incredibly wonderful person in so many ways.
Here is the link to the statement/article:
Heath was the most genuine, loving, caring, humble, generous, talented, beautiful, honest and passionate famous person I've ever come across. His influence changed my life in the most profound ways. I feel sorry for people who missed the opportunity to learn from him. He's my ultimate role model.
Just realised the link above isn't working. I'll have to break up the address: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment
/story?page=1&id=4240260 - you'll need to paste one section after the other into the address field manually to make it work.
Although the whole picture of it may look that way he was still having some deep issues that neededed to be taken of (so i have heard). He didnt overdose as they also said it was ACCIDENTAL as the reports have said numerous times. Why would they hide it if it wasnt accidental?
Why does he keep on getting the wrath of so many bloggers and posters that he deliberately did this? He had so many talents that it is a true shame he died. Before you start bitching and raving about his death get your facts straight he was getting over an illness, he had lack of sleep and his working schedule was all hectic why cant everyone just let it go and let it be.
OP: burn in hell you arrogant fuck.
He took a non-lethal amount of any prescription, the mixture is what suppressed his brain and killed him, not the quantity you ignorant dick.
I hope you die a painful death in a car crash, or just shot in the head, you don't deserve life if you so proudly go around bashing those who did, yet suffered an avoidable accident, you racist prick.
What kind of retarded waste his/her own time on posting something on a guy he/she doesnt care about? Go to see a phychiatrist. That could help a bit.
you fucking low-life piece, miserable, piece of shit. There is a very special place in hell for you, awful jackass.
whats wrong with u people?? how can u be so heartless? This guy had his whole life ahead of him and u say u have no pity. Im not saying that u have to bawl ur eyes out everytime u hear his name but show some fucking respect!
Hmmmm a fag posts something heartless about a man he doesnt know yet I bet if it was a gay man that died of aids he'd be whimpering like a kid finding out he is getting nothing for Christmas.Yet Oral babbles about his fuck buddy leaving his ass (literally) and has a fucking cow about it.Your an embarrassment to the gay community and hopefully some dirty dick nabs your hersey highway and gives you aids so we can all post a laugh about it and tell you about how we dont give a fuck that your going to die.
what the FUCK? is up with you? asshole, youre probally just a virgin who sits in his mothers basement all day long playing world of warcraft, touching himself. who in gods names has time to critisize people for feeling bad about some ones death? & 4 the dude or lady who said he wasnt that talented, thats because youve only seen monsters ball, dumbss. have you even HEARD about the dark knight? he did FABULOUS as the joker. you cant deny that. spend ur short time on earth supporting wat u believe, man. THINK
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