I have always thought of Perez Hilton as a mean chubby queen - albeit one with incredible luck. I mean, only in America can you go from being a penniless blogger to a rich superstar overnight. But unlike most rich assholes, he wasn't afraid to rock the boat with his political views - and I now say bravo to him.
For those not hip to the news, Mr. Perez was a judge at the Miss USA contest. He asked Miss California her thoughts on gay marriage. Well, what came out of her mouth was not only hateful, but plain stupid. I applaud Mr. Perez for giving Miss California a big fat zero after her hateful opinion on gay marriage - which cost her the Miss USA title.
And is it just me or does Miss California look like a tranny?
Perez is a mean spiteful queen.He is famous for doing nothing and being mean while he does it. The question was inappropriate and should not have been asked to begin with. She answered it honestly. Would we want Miss America to lie? I don't think so. He should not be commended for what he did he should be ashamed of himself.
I think we dodged a bullet with that miss america bitch. America is not about prejudice. and perez had every right to ask that question: it is a very topical subject. sometimes it takes a bitch to get things done. i applaud perez hilton for putting a face on hatred.
What America do you live in? Look around you prejudice is every where. Weather you notice it or not. When was the last time you walked through a airport? Walked around your neighborhood. Tell me if you saw a group of black men standing on a street corner you would not cross the street. Or if you saw middle eastern men in the airport you wouldn't say to yourself I hope they don't get on my plane.
I agree whole-heartedly with "Anonymous #1". My question to you, Oral Reporter, is this: How can you call Miss California Hateful, and stupid? She was asked her opinion on a subject, and she gave it. She has upstanding, CONSERVATIVE morals. If anyone in this incident was "hateful, and stupid" it's that Perez freak. It ALWAYS the left pointing fingers, and labeling the Right in these instances. The liberal left embodies EXACTLY what they preach against. Every time.
And "Anonymous #2", what bullet was dodged??? This is a fuckin' beauty pagent! Who even remembers any past winners of this event? I don't. Well, except for the deaf girl who won. And the black gal who did a lesbian photo shoot in Penthouse (that was hot). Oh, and Phillys George, but I only know that because she was on CBS's Sunday NFL show.
And don't forget, Miss California has the same opinion toward gay marriage as that muslim prick you all voted for last fall! Maybe he ain't ALL bad.
My my Baxter - did you wake on the wrong side of the bed?
PS - you only like Miss California because she looks like a tranny.
Miss California is gorgeous. Not at all trannyish in appearance. But if she was a tranny, then I'd be all over 'em!
By the way; Is that the best come-back you could muster?
Like I thought, most of you Republicans are repressed perverts.
Fuckin'-A-straight, I'm a pervert! There ain't nothing repressed about it! If I could get Miss California in my bed, you could call me whatever you wanted. It's the liberal fringe who have the secret, taboo, disgusting desires that need repression. Kinda like the titular head of your movement, Adolph Hitler.
I think the liberal dems wave their freak flags for all to see. It's the repressed republicans that hide in bathrooms (Larry Craig) toe tapping for gay sex or hire druggy hustlers (Ted Haggart).
Baxter is clearly ridiculous and inflammatory, and he continually undermines his credibility with these stupid "Adolph Hitler" comparisons.
But he makes a good point by stating that it's often the liberals who appear more intolerant of oppositional opinions and voices. Hell, we see it here on the Oral Reports blog on a daily basis.
That said, I think gay rights are becoming the civil rights movement of the new century, and people better get on board or they're going to be left behind. Miss California has every right in the world to oppose gay marriage and support "opposite marriage," but such notions are going to be considered antiquated within our lifetimes.
Yet, we must realize that just because someone doesn't support gay marriage doesn't necessarily mean that person is hateful. That's reductive reasoning, and it undermines our ability to find common ground on this inherently simple issue.
Oh yeah, Bill Maher made a funny joke on Real Time last night when he, too, compared Miss CA to a tranny...
The Oral Reporter intolerant? Well, maybe just a little. LOL.
I undermine my credibility with stupid Adolph Hitler comparisons? Charlie, if you honestly look at the facts concerning Adolph Hitler's ideology with an open mind you'll have to agree that Hitler was very, very liberal.
He was a vegatarian, he believed in the "redistribution of wealth", he supported abortion rights (for all except the Aryan race. I'll give you that), and he was anti-capitalist. He hated communism almost as much as capitalism, but was an ardent supporter of socialism. He thought every German citizen should have a job, free health care, and a free education. Doesn't that sound quite a lot like the modern day Democratic party platform?
He hated Christianity, the burden of marriage, and was a profound proponant of "animal rights" (one of today's liberal keypoints).
The precursor to his infamous SS "hit squad" was the SA. The SA head, Ernst Rohm, and all his close advisors were openly homosexual. Rohm was also a close confidant of Hitler in the early days of the Nazi party.
These comparisons between Hitler, and the liberal left are in no way "ridiculous, or inflammatory", Chuck. These are facts. I could give more if you'd like, but this little editorial should be enough to keep you libs awake for a few nights wondering about where your "movement" origionated.
Funny how Baxter convienently left out the fact that Hitler murdered 6 million jews. Oh, and he killed all the pink triangle gays, too - go back to school Baxter boy.
Wow. That was a well thought out, concise responce to...to...well... I'm not really sure to WHAT the responce was directed at. Every person alive who has at least a half cup of brain cells in operation knows about the Holocaust, Oral Reporter. What I pointed out in reference to Hitler was his Liberal ideology. If you happen to notice I also failed to mention the fact that Hitler wasn't the last name he was born with, that he himself had Jewish blood in his veins, that he was quite the accomplished artist with paints, or that he wasn't actually German.
When you pick out only one omission that isn't in any way related to the context of my post, it shows you have no real arguement with that statement. You're grasping at straws. You don't really have a clue as to what goes on in this world on the big stage, and I scare you. All Liberal attributes, might I add.
Kinda scares you when someone 3 thousand miles away who's never met you knows you better than you know yourself, doesn't it?
Now who needs some schoolin'?
Shit! I almost forgot to line you out on your second sentence, Oral. You say Hitler "killed all the pink triangle gays, too", but not for the reasons you think.
Remember earlier on in this vein when I mentioned Ernst Rohm was the head of the SA? And that Rohm was queer? AND that Hitler was pretty tight with Rohm? Well, turns out that Adolph may have preferred to be called Adele! Yes, there's strong evidence that Hitler "hit from both sides of the plate", so to speak. I mean look at when he first got married, and his feelings toward women, and marriage in general. He also had no problem with same sex unions.
The reason Hitler executed the SA members wasn't because of thier sexuality. He was afraid of Rohm's agenda to take over the German Goverment, and Rohm as the head of the SA had become a pretty powerful figure in post WWI Germany.
Maybe you should have taken more than make-up, and basket weaving classes in school.
I don't even know where to begin with Baxter's hogwash. But I will say this Mr. Baxter - us liberals almost have our 60 votes - once Al Franken takes his rightful seat, we will rule.
God, I love being the smartest person in the room! Of course it's pretty easy when the room's full of libs (so maybe I shouldn't be bragging).
I like how you prove my point by constantly changing the subject after I give you all the facts showing you don't know shit. But this is a great blog! Seriously, I mean that. Keep writing down all that retarded stuff for me to pick apart. It's fun!
And I'll address your latest attempt at making an ass out of yourself in your newest entry.
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