Thursday, October 09, 2008


Damn, I hate Republicans - I really, really , really HATE them.

Now that old daddy McCain is sinking like a brick in the polls, he's getting crazy - or is he senile?

I mean, rather than talk about the economy or health care, all he and Sarah - Bush in a dress - Palin can talk about is Bill Ayers.

I mean, get real, I lived in Chicago for several years and Bill Ayers was known as a thoughtful and intelligent social liberal - not a terrorist. To somehow tie Obama via his middle name and Bill Ayers is a scare tactic that has nothing whatsoever to do with the issues facing Americans.

Please vote Obama.


Anonymous said...

ALL McCain and Palin can talk about is Bill Ayres? Are you fuckin' retarded? I watched the debate the other night, and I don't recall McCain bringing the subject up once. Given the severity of this connection concerning Obama, I'd say vote nobama (I know it's rehashed, but it is pretty catchy, eh?). I wish McCain'd at least broach this topic, but he's got too much class to hammer the muslim on this.

Listen, the Dems are going to the White House. That's nearly a given. Will things be any better with those two freaks in there? No. It'll be worse. In 2 years America will be looking back the Bush years fondly. If Obama, and Biden get thier way we won't have the first, OR second amendments to the constitution anymore. Does that sound like America to you?

Charlie Hobart said...

McCain's refusal to address the Ayres topic at the town hall debate simply illustrated the Arizona senator's continuing hypocrisy. But I don't really care much about that. What angers me is McCain's insistence on letting his women (Palin and Cindy) speak nasty, shameful misrepresentations about Obama at their Nazi-like campaign rallies. Since when has a candidate's wife moonlit as a hatchet-man?

Truly, though, what kind of a man relies on his wife to do the dirty work?

I found it ridiculous when Cindy McCain attacked Obama last Wednesday at a rally in Pennsylvania, claiming his vote "not to fund" her son in Iraq sent a "cold chill" throughout her body. Fine.

But I wonder if she felt such a chill when her husband refused to co-sponsor a GI bill for Post-9/11 veterans that left our heroes without education benefits and limited their time at home between deployments?

Oh right. She's a goddamn beer baroness worth over $100 million who stole drugs from her own charity. Of course HER son doesn't need educational benefits or medical treatment! What was I thinking????

Anonymous said...

Both Cindy and Sarah are stepford wives. The more I see of that stick figure Cindy and that troll Sarah I can's wait to cast my vote for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Honey Cindy looks like she is two martini´s away from rehab or la femme showlounge at the 90´s, two words about berlin "dark room"

Anonymous said...

its 1929 all over again, thanks george!

Anonymous said...

What the fuck, Chuck? The town hall styled debate wasn't a very good venue for McCain to bring up anything not already already on the docket! And you have the nerve to call McCain a hypocrite because of that??? It appears to me that Obama is an apostate, yet you still support him.'s a curious world, indeed.

Something else I'd like to shed some light in is the careless use of the term "Nazi" that so many libs use to characterize the conservative right, yet sooooo few of you actually understand the true seedlings of your beginnings. You, liberal lefties, are born of Hitler's, Mussolini's, Robespierre's, and the antagonists of the French Revolution's mold. Nazism was a different word for socialism, and they believed in socialized health care, the redistribution of wealth, and were strong proponants of abortion. If you notice, Obama (and pretty much the entire Democratic party) fit right in line with these thoughts.

There's your history lesson for the day. So let's all try to be factually accurate when denouncing the true Americans on the right, O.K.?

Anonymous said...

Concerning this "it's 1929 all over again" shit: This started back during Clinton's years in the White House, yet it can't be blamed on Clinton. The democrats in congress pressured Fannie, and Freddie to make these risky loans to people who had hardly any chance of paying them back (another "social improvement" tactic gone awry). To accuse President Bush of creating this mess is not only stupifyingly ignorant, it makes anyone with common sense laugh. No wonder you sign in as 'anonymous'.

Anonymous said...

This is for our friend Baxter to answer.

Baxter what do you do for a living?
You must be comfortably numb with money. Because you seem to have allot of time on your hands.Less is more Baxter.
Maybe it's really that Elizabeth witch from the View posing as Baxter....


Poor Baxter - he is so ill informed. To compare social liberals with Nazi politics is not only incorrect, but just plain evil. Well, that's what Republicans do best - twist the truth to their benefit.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see that horrible redneck woman at a televised McCain rally saying that Obama was an Arab and a Muslim. What a joke! Goes to show you what kind of inbred assholes vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

That crazy bitch was from Lakeville, Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your concern OR, but there really is no need to worry. About me, at least. You should worry about yourself, and your ill-fated attemps at logic. See, the Nazi's were a liberal organization. Just read a little history on that, and you'll learn the truth. Everything they stood for was predominately liberal. Today's libs have this mistaken notion that Hitler was a Christian! Can you believe that? Hitler was an atheist, just like you, no matter what your liberal history books say.

And this is to anonymous: After reading my posts to this blog, it'd makes sense if you knew what I do for a living. I'm self employed, but I contract out on government jobs. This allows me a keen perspective on inner govt. workings, and not from a journalists' standpoint.

I just want to say thank you to the folks who write in here for allowing me to see the ignorance of the far left. That's not to say the far right is much better, it's just different, and I'm not that far right! But I am right.

And lastly, it's so much fun knowing how I can upset your fragile little egos with just a few well chosen phrases. I look forward to more. Thanks.


You know Baxer, to write that the Nazi party was liberal is insane. Let me see, the Nazi's killed gays, jews and the disabled in big ovens - and they controlled the media via Joseph Goebbels and his propaganda machine.

Baxter, you need your head examined.

Anonymous said...

Love Bill Maher's new film.

Anonymous said...

NO wonder our government is screwed up if they hire people like Baxter.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H, O.R. You really don't know your history, do you? The "propaganda machine" of pre-war Germany you speak so fondly of is mirrored today by NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN. Now THOSE are true propoganda outlets. Joseph Goebbels would have a job way up in thier hierarchy if he were alive today. Well, if he didn't already have a professor position at an Ivy League school.

Heinrich Hemmler, the overlord of the Nazi SS, Gestapo, and police force in Germany was commited to animal rights. Much like your favored religion of progressivism. Hitler himself attempted to force vegatarianism on the masses, and supported a ban on smoking for the German populace. The left-wing based Nazi party blamed the ills of society on capitalism! EVERYTHING Hitler and his croonies abhored was right-wing based. Damn sure looks like thier policies were re-established under the Americam Democratic party, eh?

About the killing of Jews, gays, and the disabled: Isn't that pretty much what the left in America wants today? Except you substitute conservatives, Christians, those who don't agree with your rhetoric, and unborn children in place of the afore mentioned? Tell me, do you see a difference between a disabled child, and an unwanted fetus?

Your arguement lacks substance.

Anonymous said...

Baxter, you are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Crazy like a fox, dipshit.

(God, I love this blog! Thanks for putting it out here, O.R.)