Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman on television in the 1970s, slammed Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin as the "anti-Wonder Woman."
Carter made her remarks in response to a question from Philadelphia Magazine about comparisons between Wonder Woman and Gov. Palin (Alaska), the GOP's first veep nominee.
"She’s judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they’ve got to live their lives," Carter added. "And a superior religious self-righteousness … that’s just not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn’t she?"
Carter said that it was "anti-American" to try to force religious views on others.
"I like John McCain," Carter said. "But this woman — it's anathema to me what she stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid. Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the Constitution did agree on — that it wasn’t to be a religious government. People should feel free to speak their minds about religion but not dictate it or put it into law."
I always loved Wonder Woman, now i love her more.
She also has great tits.....by the way Vegas is fine, Cher showed her surgerized face in the casino not to long ago (she is doing a long term gig here)....That bitch love's her slots....and her YOUNG muscle waiters....but I really shouldnt mention THAT.
Honey, mention it - I'd love to hear more about Cher. Does her face look strange in person? It looks great on television.
Cher looks like I dont have the words.....although.....she is fun after a cocktail....That face...its soooooo Cher. Cher has had good work, although some of the other dealers say she looks like an alien. Maybe I should write that book after all!
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