Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm just curious, is old daddy McCain running for president or is it Joe the Plumber?


Anonymous said...

Jeez, yer such a dork. It's McCain vs. Marx for the Presidency. Whoops, I mean McCain vs. Obama.


No, it's Obama vs. old daddy "I have nothing in common with Joe the Plumber" McCain.

Isn't it funny that in old daddy McCain's stump speeches about Obama's "spread the wealth" comment, he always leaves out the fact that Obama will only "spread the wealth" by taxing the top 5% as Clinton did. And let's state some bonafide facts: When Clinton had those same tax laws, income increased by $7500 per family on average, with Bush's tax cuts for the top 5%, the average income for families dropped by $2000. And let's not even talk about how Clinton paid off old daddy Bush's huge deficit and left sonny Bush a surplus - and now, we have a deficit so HUGE they had to add numbers to the deficit sign in Times Square. Those are the facts

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work honey!

Anonymous said...

You fuckin' retard. You're "facts" are so out of whack I can't even begin to desecrate your ignorant comments without feeling remorse for your stupidity. I see you haven't got a clue as to what we'll face when B. Hussain (an intentional "A") gets elected. Oh yeah, I fully believe that he'll get elected. And this "change" (Come Help A Nigger Get Elected) shit he's talking about will only result in higher taxes for EVERYBODY. Is that good change?

If you actually believe that ONLY 5% of the populace will have thier taxes raised, then I have a bridge to sell you in Kansas. You looking to buy? Dipshit.


Baxter - your racist comments are disgusting - it just proves my point who and what the Republican redneck party stands for.

Oh, and for my facts, look 'em up online - I'm right.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find those facts? The Huffington Report, or the Daily Kos?

About the acronym "change": It ain't REALLY racist. It's pretty funny. If you can't laugh at that, then you're worse than Hitler.

Anonymous said...

Baxter - you are a sicko.

Anonymous said...

But I'm pretty funny ;)

Anonymous said...

Funny as in humorous or funny as in "stay away from that 'funny' man what lives down street."