OK, I admit it... I'm a borderline anorexic. I kneel daily at the alter/scale of my patron saint Karen Carpenter, and yes, I truely believe Miss Rainy Days and Mondays died a martyr for her cause. Can I get an amen?
That said, I've never met a baked good I didn't like. My latest discovery is Babycakes - a tiny vegan bakery located on the cusp of Chinatown and the Lower East Side. I was a tad skeptical at first: I mean, how can you churn out edible confections sans sugar, butter or flour? Well, I'm here to tell you the cupcakes, cookies and brownies are just plain delicious - and no sickly sugar overkill.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not turning my back on my favorites such as Veniero's, Billy's Bakery or the Cupcake Cafe, but when I'm in the mood for a sweet treat that doesn't curse me to 90 minutes on the treadmill or double my dose of Lipitor, Babycakes is my choice.
Honey I could be your babycake! Bertha
Okay, is Bertha a man? What is with this weird Vegas crush?
i'm just sayin.....if not, you don't play for (MM) girlfriend's team.
Okay, is Bertha a man? What is with this weird Vegas crush?
i'm just sayin.....if not, you don't play for (MM) girlfriend's team.
Honey it was a matter of speaking. Bertha knows your a big ol fag! But I could still be your babycake! and Honey with a pussy as wide as mine!!! (a man I am not!) Bertha
Now Bertha, we don't need to be so graphic on MM's blog, do we? And although we have never met, with Valentine's Day fast approaching, you just might be my Babycakes.
i was going to say how much i loved baked goods but after reading the comments, i'm scared and not that hungry anymore! ;)
Open your mouth and say....ahhhh! Bertha
that's okay, nick..most people know it's my baked goods that are your type, babycakes.
that said....
MM- I LOVE Vegan Baked goods! There is a bakery in Chicago that makes the best Vegan muffins and cookies of all time. Yummy yummy goodness!
you know, vegan baked goods still have sugar and flour, just no milk or eggs. or milk chocolate.
No, no Miss Claudia, Babycakes uses no wheat, gluten or white sugar - baked goods are sweetened with agave nectar. I know it sounds crazy, but everything they make is yummy with a capital Y. Check it out at www.babycakesnyc.com
Im thinking when Im in NYC in a couple weeks Ill have to get me a babycake to see what all this fuss is about, Apart from getting me a big Puerto Rican Schlong. Ive heard that THAT is also a tourist must! Bertha
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