Oh my, do these two look like freaks. I've said it before, but now it's official - poor ugly Ashlee has now transformed herself into her sister - albeit with a bigger and trannier chin. And is it just me, or do these two look like a couple of chicks with dicks.
they look pretty good to me MM. I mean they are beautiful young things...A lot younger than me (and you too I assume). There are a couple transvestites that do a Jessica Ashley show in Vegas. Perhaps you should email them this picture. But Im not a dike and Id lick their pussy's any day of the week.....and Im sure Im not alone! Bertha
Oh honey, too graphic - even for MM.
Well I am off to the tables to deal. Black Jack to be specific. You havent lived life till youve lived Vegas. Im sure Ashley and Jessica would be stripping or hooking at the Cat house in Reno if they came for more than a few days to Nevada. Ha, they would make a good buck...A nice Simpson Sister Act. Vegas Style...Well fuck me Stupid, Im NOT! Later, Bertha!
HA! MM I am just rolling in, and YOU WOULD HAVE loved it last night at the casino!. An Ashley lookalike came into the Casino. She is a paid double... I gave her your blog. She had two beautiful tits. Bet she will be able to nurse her kids for years! Bertha
And what's wrong with a tranny chin?
Not to be negative or anything (my New Year's Resolution is to be less cynical) but I detest every fiber of these two mass-marketed media creations.
To paraphrase Pauline Kael: They're not selling anything, they're just selling. They're are a commerical for themselves.
Mr. Hobart - us virgos are not cynical - just realistic.
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