There is one closet I would cheerfully never leave.
Let me explain.
Saturday night I had dinner at my buddy’s fancy smancy Park Avenue apartment. There is a gigantic plasma television, walls covered with the best modern art, and windows draped in $10,000 of Italian silk. I mean, this apartment is a queen’s dream, but what really floats my boat is a small closet off the lavender dining room.
I always open the mahogany door as if it were Christmas morning; and I never fail to swoon when I gaze upon its contents. Yes, sitting inside are the two things a gay boy desires most -– booze and toiletries.
I mean, I’ve never seen such a beautiful closet.
Do u pray to god to save your soul?
Sweetheart, why don't we leave that job for you. I 'm sure you need something to do with your time.
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