Thursday, December 17, 2009


All I can say is health is everything - and today I am feeling better.

I am saddened by the demise of the health care bill now in congress. The way it stands now, the only people to benefit from it are the big insurance companies. I mean, there is no public option, no pre-existing condition safety net and no Canadian drugs.

I mean, what's the point.


Anonymous said...

Good you're feeling better.

Copenhagen Climate Summit. Disappointment.

Baxter said...

"No public option, no pre-existing" health care net? How stupid are you, Oral? Seriously? Do you NOT understand the consequenceses that this universal heath care bill that B Hussain (intentional "A") is attempting to impose upon the American people would entail?

I don't know how to impress upon you the dire NEED the Ameican people face to defeat this bullshit memorandum imposed by our federal governmant, but it IS a must. So all I can say is "Pull your head outta your ass, and support what's right for you".

I don't care who you voted for in '08. Barack Obama don't give a shit about you.

Unknown said...

You are right on in your health care bill assesment! A joke of a bill-But at least the insurance companies stock went sky high!! Tell u something?!


Well, would you fix the health insurance fiasco in America? Something has to be done to these criminals.

Anonymous said...

Ya Baxter you seem to be the guy with all the answers how would you fix it?

Baxter said...

True, it does need to be reformed. But a "public option"? There is no "option" in this bill. Every individual will be forced to buy health insurance or be penalized by the government. The funny part is, the fine will be less than the insurance! Then the hospitals/doctors will STILL have to take care of any patient. So how is this cheaper?

Those who do pay for insurance will have to pay higher rates for less coverage. Can't you people see this? You'll be forced to pay more money for less coverage. Or pay a lesser fine.

The best first step to providing health care for the populace would be to allow interstate coverage. As it is now, if you live in California (for example) you have a choice of 6 insurers to choose from. That's it; 6. With over 1300 insurance companies across the US, doesn't this seem a bit absurd? If the entire nation was opened up to the consumer, so they could choose which policy to buy, premiums would drop substantially.

It's supply and demand, folks. Competition makes the product more affordable. This health care issue, and B Hussain (intentional "A") forcing us back into the dark ages, is gonna fuck things up real good. We'll be primed for a socialist takeover of our government. Washington D.C. operated health care is just the first step.

It's time to wake up, and quit acting like sheep.

Anonymous said...

Well if Bush Sr. & Jr. didn't fuck everything up we would not be in this mess.It's stupid people like you Baxter that don't see the big picture. This country needs to stop giving out hand outs to every tom,dick and harry that comes here in a boat or hideing in the back of a pick up.Yes America was built by immigrants but at least they worked to build it not the immigrants of today that sit back and let us do all the work and they get the free shit.


Poor Baxter, crazy as ever.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say immigrants?

Anonymous said...

The gods of rock. Led Zeppelin.

Baxter said...

Anonymous, are you serious? Bushes Sr., and Jr. fucked everything up? Did you know that the majority of illegal aliens who gained thier citizenship in the Unoited States did so through programs created by DEMOCRATIC Presidents?

And you had absolutely nothing to say in respoce to my comment which centered on Oral's ORIGIONAL post concerning Governmant operated health care. Get a clue, or just shut the fuck up. Better yet, try the Kervorkian health care plan. It seems made just for you.

And Oral. You asked me how I would fix the health care problem, so I told you, and you call me crazy. Well, at least I'm not an idiot. Maybe you oughta try Dr. Jack's plan, as well? After all, it was made by a liberal FOR liberals!


Does anyone want to send Baxter Dr. Kervokian's book "Final Exit" for the holidays - I think he would enjoy it.

Baxter said...

You want me to read it so I can explain it to you, Oral?