Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Listen, I don’t like war anymore than anyone else. But if anyone doubts that Hezbollah is a terrorist war machine aimed at wiping Israel off the map, just turn on the television. I mean, the creepy Nazi-like parades and demonstrations that Hezbollah holds in Lebanon are frightening. I'm sorry, but if a country hosts a terrorist group, it's citizens should expect...well, terror.


Anonymous said...

i hope hezbollah does it!!!


mighty brave words for a pussy who logs in under "anonymous." like most terrorists, you wear masks because you have no balls!

Anonymous said...

way to go israel, bombing UN and killing 4.

way to endear yourselves and get the world to appreciate your "plight"

Anonymous said...

You are a racist...You hate over 1 billion people in the world because they practice Islam. A religion which has one of the most peacefull outlooks at its core. You should be more specific. I think you would be smart enough to realize that. You should say that you hate...Islamic Extremists. Since they are the ones who cause trouble....not the rest. YOU REALLY ARE NOT A SMART PERSON.