Thursday, January 04, 2007


The uppity towelheads are at it again.

As I was leaving to return to NYC, I read in the newspaper that Minneapolis Muslim cab drivers are refusing to pick-up anyone carrying liquer or anyone with a service dog - that means a blind person with a life-saving dog. So far this idiocy has left over 100 people stranded at the airport. I mean, this is crazy. Muslim spokespeople claim liquer and dog saliva are against their religion. Bullshit, if these towelheads want to live in America, they have to bend to our way of thinking or get the FUCK out of the cab business.


Anonymous said...

Your gay! HOW would you like it if People treated gays the way you think Arabs should be treated! Shame on you MM!

riftgirl said...

Honey, gays don't blow up buildings.